Duckman Streaming: Duckman is a cult classic animated series that aired on the USA...
With the first season setting up so many story threads, there is plenty of...
In Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba, every demon slayer sword color has a meaning....
Anime is a diverse medium with shows that cater to a wide range of...
Are you a fan of Urusei Yatsura? If so, you’re in luck! The classic...
Serial Experiments Lain is a classic cyberpunk anime that has become popular over the...
Anime characters that simply cannot be mean. The anime world is full of kind...
These best shonen anime lists are action-packed stories with strong characters who overcome challenges...
I’m Quitting Heroing is an anime series that aired in 2022. It is about...
If you’re a fan of Dark fantasy films, then you should watch Guillermo del...