September 18, 2024
Is Netflix First Kill Worth the Hype?
Is Netflix First Kill Worth the Hype?

Netflix First Kill, a new teen drama, has been generating a lot of buzz since its release last month. 

The show, which follows the forbidden love between a vampire and a vampire hunter, has been praised for its diverse cast and its positive portrayal of a queer relationship. However, some critics have found the show to be slow-paced and lacking in edge.

So, does First Kill live up to the hype? Here’s a comprehensive review of the show.

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The Good Thing about FirstKill

First Kill has a lot going for it. The cast is excellent, with Sarah Catherine Hook and Imani Lewis giving standout performances as Juliette and Calliope, respectively. The two actresses have great chemistry, and their relationship is both sweet and heartbreaking.

The show also features a diverse cast of supporting characters, including Juliette’s vampire family, Calliope’s hunter family, and a few other key figures. This diversity is refreshing to see in a teen drama, and it helps to make the show feel more inclusive.

First Kill also has a positive portrayal of a queer relationship. This is a rarity in teen dramas, and it’s something that should be celebrated. The show doesn’t shy away from the challenges that Juliette and Calliope face as a result of their relationship, but it also shows how their love can overcome any obstacle.

The Bad Aspect 

First Kill isn’t without its flaws. The show is slow-paced at times, and the plot can be a bit predictable. The show also suffers from some pacing issues, with some episodes feeling rushed while others feel like they drag on.

Another issue with First Kill is that it doesn’t really do anything new with the vampire genre. The show borrows heavily from other vampire stories, and it doesn’t really add anything new to the table.


First Kill is a solid teen drama with a great cast and a positive portrayal of a queer relationship. However, the show is slow-paced and lacks edge. If you’re looking for a new vampire drama to watch, First Kill is worth a try. However, if you’re looking for something that will really blow you away, you might want to look elsewhere.

Rating: 6/10. Recommended for: Fans of teen dramas, vampire stories, and positive portrayals of queer relationships.

Not recommended for: Fans of fast-paced shows, edgy dramas, and shows that break new ground with the vampire genre.

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Here are some specific examples of the show’s flaws:

The show is slow-paced. The first few episodes are particularly slow, and it can be hard to get invested in the story. Another flaw is the plot which is predictable. The show follows a very familiar formula, and it’s easy to guess what’s going to happen next.

There’s a lot of pacing issues. Some episodes feel rushed, while others feel like they drag on.

Finally, it doesn’t do anything new with the vampire genre. The show borrows heavily from other vampire stories, and it doesn’t really add anything new to the table.

Despite its flaws, First Kill is still worth a watch for fans of teen dramas, vampire stories, and positive portrayals of queer relationships. The show has a great cast, and it’s refreshing to see a queer relationship portrayed in a positive light.

However, if you’re looking for something that will really blow you away, you might want to look elsewhere. First Kill is a solid show, but it’s not groundbreaking.

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